Serving Halt of work order on a farm in Azun Atmeh / East Qalqilya

Serving Halt of work order on a farm in Azun Atmeh / East Qalqilya


  • Violation: Serving Halt of work order on a farm.
  • Location: Azun Atmeh / East Qalqilya.
  • Date: December 24 -2018.
  • Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation building and organizing committee.
  • Victims: Farmer Sameer Amer.


The Israeli occupation officer of the so called building and organizing committee served a halt of work military order to Sameer Amer (51 years).

The order targets Sameer’s farm that consists of 8 greenhouses and a 16 m2 agricultural room.

The military order (266512) sets January 23 -2019 as a date of the subcommittee session to decide the fate of the structures.

Affected farmer told LRC observer:

“I own the targeted land with legal documents and I have been cultivating it for several years now. At the beginning of this winter season, I invested about 29,000 $ in an agricultural project that includes placing 8 greenhouses in the land to make a source of income for my family of 7 , but soon enough the occupation served halt of work orders and made my life even harder”

Photos 1-2: The targeted greenhouses 

 The military order


About Azzun Atma:[1]

Located 8km to Qalqiliya city with a total area of 9,472 dunums, of which 1,054 dunums are the village’s built-up area, Azzun is inhabited by 7,821 people (2007).

The occupation confiscated vast area from the village for the favor of colonization and the apartheid wall; the areas are detailed as follows:

  • 276 dunums were confiscated for Maale Shamron colony that was established in 1980.
  • 417 dunums were confiscated for the bypass road number 55

It should be marked that the vast majority of Azzun lands (6,927 dunums) is classified as area “C” according to Oslo accords; areas that are controlled by the Israeli occupation. The village has zero percentage of area “A” that is under the control of Palestinian Authority. As for other classifications, the village has 2,546 dunums classified as area “B”.


[1] GIS- LRC


Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Military Orders