Palestinian farmers attacked by Colonists east Al-Shuyoukh/ Hebron Governorate

Palestinian farmers attacked by Colonists east Al-Shuyoukh/ Hebron Governorate


  • Violation: Colonists’ assault.
  • Date: June 3rd 2020.
  • Location: Ard Al-Majalis- Al-Shuyoukh town / Hebron governorate.
  • Perpetrators: Colonists of the illegal colony “Asfar”.
  • Victims: family of Talib Al-Halaiqa.


Colonists of “Asfar”, which was built on confiscated lands from al-Shuyukh, attacked farmers and herders, in the “Ard al-Majalis” area, east Ash-Shuyukh town, Hebron governorate.

Citizen Hassan Al-Halaiqa (37) told LRC that on Wednesday morning he went with his parents to their land in the Ard al-Majalis area east the town, where they own about 54 dunums of land, part of which is planted with olive seedlings.

Al-Halaiqa told LRC the following:

“While we were working on our land, we saw six colonists, with two dogs chasing a herder from Sa’ir town, shouting at him and let the dogs chase out the herd . The heard reached our land, and we tried to keep the sheep away from the seedlings, while colonists were still running behind the herd and trying to attack the herder.

 Once they reached our land, colonists started insulting us, one of them released his aggressive dog, which bite me in both my leg and hand, when I fell to the ground , my father rushed to help me but one of the colonists hit him to his leg , then hit my mom (60) as well.

The herder was trying to stop them , but one of them showed his gun and threatened him to be killed if he didn’t back off.

 A group of relatives and farmers heard the screams and rushed to help us, but colonists ran away at that point , they took the elderly mother and father to the nearest healthy center , while Hassan was taken to hospital to deal with the dog bite.

After the assault, Mr. Talib Al-Halayqa – Hassan’s father – went to the occupation police station to file a complaint against the attackers, but, as usual,  he only  got promises and no actions have been taken on the ground so far.

Asfer colonists have been attacking indigenous people since a long time by vandalizing their land, beating them or confiscating their properties. The attacks were recently intensified , especially after the release of an Israeli governmental plan to expand the built up area of the colony to an additional 200 dunums of Palestinian owned land.

Ash-Shuyukh: [1]

6 km north east Hebron, Ash-Shuyukh is surrounded by Sa’ir (north), Ras At-Taweel (west) and Arab-Ar-Rashaydeh (east).

Ash-Shuyukh has a population of (12,052 ) people in 2017.

The town has a total area of 21879 dunums , of which 830 dunums are the town’s built up area.

The occupation confiscated 194 dunums for the following purposes:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers

Mitzad Shimon





Oslo conventions division of the area:

  • A area : (9212) dunums.
  • B area: (5799) dunums.
  • C area: (6868) dunums.




Categories: Settlers Attacks