Settlers poisoned postures south Ad-Dhahreieh / Hebron governorate

Settlers poisoned postures south Ad-Dhahreieh / Hebron governorate

Violation: Poisoning livestock.

Date: May 17 -2018.

Location: Zanota hamlet- Ad-Dhahreieh / Hebron governorate.

Perpetrators: Israeli settlers.

Victims: Farmer Mohammad Samamreh.


Herder Samamreh owns a herd containing about (170) livestock, in May 17, Samamreh was pasturing west Zanota hamlet.

When Samamreh went back to his barn, he noticed that some of his sheep are sick.

Samamreh called a vet, and after medical examination it turned out that the sheep are poisoned. 9 sheep died, economical lost reached 3500 $.

Noteworthy, settlers sprayed poisonous substance on several postures in the west bank to prevent Palestinian farmers from reaching them.

As-Samamreh asserted that his sheep reached an area of postures now controlled by the radical illegal settlers.

Photos 1+2: the vet’s reports proving that the sheep died poisoned.

Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Settlers Attacks