Israel Municipality in Jerusalem demolishes two barracks in Sur Baher village

Israel Municipality in Jerusalem demolishes two barracks in Sur Baher village


The “Civil Administration” bulldozers demolished on December 13, 216 two barracks in the village of Sur Baher south of Jerusalem on the claim of unlicensed construction and proximity to the apartheid wall.

It was reported that the occupation bulldozers demolished two barracks owned by Mohammad Abu Ter, who is the head of a six member family including four children.

Mohammad Abu Ter explained that the bulldozers demolished one under-construction residential barracks that he started building two years ago but was forced to stop following an order from the “Civil Administration”; it has an area of 100 square meters. The bulldozers also demolished another 50-square meter barracks used for storage.

It should be noted that Israel Civil Administration notified in 2011 a ten story residential building of stop-work. The building is reported close in location to the recently demolished barracks. Noteworthy, the building was targeted due to its proximity to the separation wall; the case is now being discussed in Israeli courts.

Photos of the demolished barracks and  the military orders


Prepared by
 The Land Research Center



Categories: Demolition