The Israeli occupation sabotages a fence surrounding a plot in the Hebron village of Yatta

The Israeli occupation sabotages a fence surrounding a plot in the Hebron village of Yatta


Violation: sabotaging a fence and confiscating parts of it

Location: Khirbet Shu’ub Al-Bottum-Yatta

Date: 05/08/2015

Perpetrators: Israel Civil Administration and army

Victims:  Citizen Zuhair Jabrin


The Israeli occupation army on August 05, 2015 sabotaged barbed wires; cut down some metal poles attached to them and confiscated the items from the land of Citizen Zuhair Jabarin from Khirbet Shu’ub Al-Bottum, east Yatta town in Hebron.

Jabarin’s wife asserted that a Jeep vehicle relative to the Israeli Civil Administration raided their plot and that the accompanying staff cut down 50 metal poles, sustaining damage to the whole fence. Also, the staff cut down five olive trees. Noteworthy, the attack scene is located in an area called Um Darait, east the bypass road no. 60.



 Photos 1-4: signs of the damage that followed the fence


When the mother of citizen Zuhair attempted to stop the force from destroying the fence, she was assaulted and pulled down to the ground by the soldiers.

Noteworthy, the damaged fence used to surround a plot of 1 dunum, which is part of a bigger land that is of 5 dunums in area and is owned by Zuhair and his brothers. The Israeli occupation authorities served a stop-work order on the same fence and water well in the land four years ago.

Photo 5: The theatened well of Citizen Jabrin


Citizen Jabrin planted the attacked plot with olive and fig trees five years ago but the occupation uprooted most of them. Not only that, the Israeli occupation authorities came today and destroyed the fence, which was surrounding the plot.

The attacked land is reported to be located 400m west of Avigyl colony. Colonists repeatedly attack Zuhair while he works in his lands; they also chase other farmers and prevent them from plowing their lands and grazing their sheep in the area.

Photo 6: Avigyl colony

Jabrin has a constant fear that the Israeli occupation authorities might demolish his water well and that colonists might also expand their colony on his land.

Shu’ub Al Bottum Hamlet:

The hamlet is located 15 kilometers southwest of the city of Yatta. About 100 Palestinians live there from the clans of Al Jabareen and Al Najjar. They have been living there even before the Israeli occupation of 1967. Residents work the land there as they plant cereals, olives and almonds while raising goats and sheep. There are no signs of modern life in the hamlet. The residents depend on rainwater harvesting for their drinking needs as well as their animals’. They have only one electrical generator that provides them electricity for few hours on daily basis. It is mostly not used due to the lack of fuel.

The hamlet is bounded by the outpost of Avigyl from the east while the outpost of Mitzpe Ya’ir bounds it from the south. It is bounded by Road 60 from the north and the colony of Susiya from the west.

Land Research Center prepared a number of reports documenting the Israeli violations against the right to land and housing in the area of Shu’ub Al-Bottum. Reports came as follows:

  • The Israeli occupation targets Shu’ub Al-Bottum hamlet for the second time (Ar,Eng)
  • The Israeli occupation threats to demolish Shu’ub Al-Bottum hamlet entirely (Ar, Eng)



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Demolition