The Israeli occupation army threatens some Hebron residences of demolition

The Israeli occupation army threatens some Hebron residences of demolition


Violation: threats of demolition

Location: Al-Jawaya area-Yatta/Hebron

Date: 22/06/2015

Perpetrators: Israel Civil Administration and army

Victims: family of Amir Al-Shamisti


 The Israeli occupation authorities on June22, 2015 served a “additional opportunity to object a demolition” order on the residence of citizen Amir Al-Shamisti, which is located in the area of Al-Jawaya, east Yatta town.

Ahmad’s wife pointed out that a vehicle relative to Israel Civil Administration accompanied by an army patrol arrived to their house, left a military order by a stone and took some photos of the structure before they had left.

It should be marked that the military order mentioned a 3 day deadline to object the demolition starting from the order’s day of issuance.


Photos 1+2: the served orders on Ahmad’s house

The Israeli occupation authorities on February 01, 2010 served a stop-work order on Al-Shamisti’s residence. The family hired attorney Ghayyath Naser to object the order in Israeli courts. For more information, please read the report issued by Land Research Center in this regard (Ar, Eng)

On May 25, 2015, the residence was served a final stop-work and demolition order. The order compelled demolishing what was built over the past week of its issuance date.

It should be marked that the 70m2 residence was built in 2008; it is composed of two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The residence is home to a five member family including 3 children.


Photo 3: view of the notified house


In 2012, a funding organization gifted a water cistern (60m3) to serve the family but the occupation ordered it to be demolished through the latest order, which was also served on the residence.

Noteworthy, the family is living under the constant fear of losing their humble house that was built for the sake of sheltering Ahmad’s family that is facing hard economic conditions.



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Military Orders