Demolition Orders on Three Houses in Hebron

Demolition Orders on Three Houses in Hebron


Violation: Notifying three houses in Hebron of "demolition and confiscation "
Perpetrators: The occupation military
Victims: Three families from Hebron.


On June 17, 2014, the authorities of the Israeli occupation notified three houses in Hebron belonging to Al-Qawasmi and Abu Eisheh families of demolition under the pretext of kidnapping three colonists and killing them during the past month.  The authorities of the Israeli occupation accused three men from Hebron, namely Amer Abu Eisheh,Marwan and Husam Al Qawasmi of kidnapping three colonists and killing them. On June 30, 2014 , the authorities of the Israeli occupation demolished and bombed parts of the residences of Marwan Al Qawasmi and Amer Abu Eisheh.

The authorities of the Israeli occupation, again, notified the three houses of the suspects of demolition under the same pretext without even submitting the accused people  to any court. The  authorities based their decision- and according to the notifications – on article 119 from The Defense (Emergency) Regulations of 1945, first espoused by the British Mandate.

 The occupation military will " demolish and confiscate" the targeted houses."According to the notifications, and in case of any objection against the orders , the houses' owners should write  the objections  down and submit them to the commander  of the occupation army by 18/07/2014. The owners hired an attorney ( Lia Tesmil) funded by the Norwegian Refugee Council .

About the houses:

Abu Eisheh family's house :The house is located in Al Dahdah; in the northern part of Hebron and is of (350sq) in area. It consists of two floors; the first of which is inhabited by the citizen Omar AbdulQader Abu Eisheh, along with his wife,15-year old handicapped girl and two other kids. The second floor is inhabited by the citizen Amer Abu Eisheh –the accused – with his wife and three kids along with his brother Sa'ad, a wife and two kids. 

2) Marwan Al Qawasmi's house:

On 30/06/214 the occupation forces bombed a part of a three floor house that is of a 500sqm in area. The first floor is inhabited by citizen Marwan Al Qawasmi and his wife where the second floor is inhabited by the father; Sa'di Al Qawasmi, his wife and three unmarried children including a 7 year old girl. As for the third floor, it is inhabited by Sharif S'adi Al Qawasmi , his wife, three kids and his brother Bilal , his wife and two kids .


Photo 1+2: Qawasmi 's House demolition notification

Photo 3 : An angle shot from the notified house.

3) Husam Al Qawasmi's house :

The occupation authorities accused citizen Husam Al Qawasmi of participating in the kidnaping and killing the three colonists. His house is located in "Abu Ektaila" area in Hebron city. The house is of 480sqm and consists  of two floors in addition to a water well that can accumulate 200 qm. It was built in 2006, and inhabited by Al Qawasmi family ; the father, his wife and his six kids.


Photo 4+5 : Husam Al Qawasmi's house demolition notification

After receiving the notification, the house was fully vacated waiting for the bulldozers to level it to the ground knowing that the owners were not even subjected to a court. The demolition order  will be excuted according to a law issued in 1948 during  the British mandate on Palestine which is regarded invalid now after "Israel" occupied the Palestinian territories.



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Demolition