Stop-construction order for a tourist restaurant in Sabastiya

Stop-construction order for a tourist restaurant in Sabastiya



StoViolation: Sending an order to stop construction work in a restaurant
Date: 01/10/2013
Location: Al-Baiader- Sabastiya- Nablus governorate
Perpetrators: The so-called Planning and Construction Committee of the Israeli occupation  
Victims: Nahed Rizq Sakha
"The Israeli occupation deprived me from working inside the Green Line under the pretext of being rejected for security reasons, according to them.  Now they are targeting my only source of income in my hometown. What do they want from me? Where should I go? " With these words, Nahed Sakha summarized his suffering with the Israeli occupation and its practices.
On 01/10/2013, the Planning and Construction Subcommittee delivered an order to Nahed Sakha demanding him to stop building his tourist restaurant under the pretext of unlicensed construction in an area classified "C" according to Oslo Accords. The Israeli occupation gave the owner a respite until 23/10/2013 as a deadline for him to finish all the procedures of getting a construction permit. This is the same date on which the Planning and Construction Committee will be meeting to discuss the status of the threatened structure.
The table gives information about the targeted structure:
Affected citizen
Area (m2)
Military order no.
Nahed Sakha
*Source: Field Research- Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- Land Research Centre (LRC).



Order no. (149566) which targets Sakha’s restaurant- Sabastiya




Mr. Nahed Sakha told an LRC observer that:" The restaurant was built in 2012 and though it was made with simple material, the Israeli occupation did not spare it and sent me a stop-work order in February, 2013. Upon receiving the order, I went to the Legal Department in Nablus. I assigned a lawyer to follow the case up. I prepared all the papers needed for the permit and presented them to Beit El court that kept procrastinating in issuing me a permit until they sent me another order on 01/10."  9 structures were sent stop-work orders in Sabastiya so far.
About Sabastiya
15 km north of Nablus, Sabastiya is known for being rife with Roman, Canaanite, Phoenician and Islamic remnants. In the old days, Sabastiya was the capital of Samra. Sabastiya has a total area of 5600 dunums, 1670 of which are master plan of the town. Sabastiya has a population of 4700 people.


Source: Sabastiya town council- interview with a field researcher from LRC
Categories: Demolition