An Order for the Removal of a Side Road

An Order for the Removal of a Side Road



Violation: a military order for the removal of a side road.
Date: April 17, 2013.
Location: Al Baq’a, Hebron.
Perpetrators: the Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.
Victim: Abdul Jawad Jaber.
On April 17, 2013, the Israeli Occupation Authorities ordered Abdul Jawad Jaber to remove a road leading to his residence in Al Baq’a area to the south of Hebron. Jaber said that an officer of the Israeli Occupation Civil Administration stood at the opening of the road which branches from bypass ’60’, took some pictures and then placed the order under a rock.
The order was issued by the Central Inspection Unit, one of the bodies of the Israeli Occupation Civil Administration; it was entitled "cancellation of trespassing on a road". The order demanded the removal of the road and returning to the status quo within 24 hours.
Picture 1: military order
Jaber sought the assistant of the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee in order to prepare a legal file in an attempt to cancel the order.
Picture 2: the objection letter
The targeted road is a private 100-meter-long road that branches out of bypass ’60’; it is the only way in and out of Jaber property. It was opened in 1977 after the construction of the house.


Picture 3-4: threatened road


Categories: Bypass Roads