Colonists of Rachelim set fire to a chicken farm in Qusra/ Nablus

Colonists of Rachelim set fire to a chicken farm in Qusra/ Nablus


Violation: Colonists of Rachelim (Shvut Rahel) burnt a chicken farm
Location: The north side of the village
Date: 17/03/2013
Victims: Jamal Abu-Raida
On 17/03/2013, a group of colonists broke into Qusar village in the southern countryside of Nablus where they took advantage of the serenity of night to carry out their attacks. At the early hours of dawn, they set fire to an agricultural shed in the north of the village. They used petrol in burning the shed that was completely damaged along with all its contents. The shed belongs to a farmer of the name of Jamal Abu-Raida from Qura and he used to use it as a chicken farm. The damage is estimated to be 8,000 NIS.


Jamal Abu Raida told an LRC observer that: " We saw a red car with an Israeli plate moving fast around the area near the shed which some Israeli soldiers were surrounding. Minutes later we saw fire eating  the shed whose area is 140 m2 . And this is how I lost my only source of income that used to provide for my 7-member family."  
Previous attacks by colonists:
Qusra is always under attack. During the current year alone, many attacks on olive trees were carried out harming more than 500 trees by cutting them down. During the last month, 8 cars were burnt by colonists, not to mention destroying electric poles as well.




Categories: Israeli Violations