The Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City Demolish a Residence in Beit Hanina

The Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City Demolish a Residence in Beit Hanina



On January 15, 2013 the Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City demolished a Palestinian residence in Al Ashqariyya neighborhood. The 60 m2 residence, property of Naser al Rajabi, 42, was demolished on the pretext of unlicensed construction. The residence sheltered an 8-member family which includes 5 children.



The owner said: ‘the residence was built 6 months ago; I used to live with my family at my parents place. When I finished construction, officers of the Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City handed me a demolition order. I called my lawyer in order to repel the order and try to acquire a construction permit. The Municipality ordered me to pay a penalty for unlicensed construction before I can apply for a license. A week ago, the heavy snow caused water to leak into my house so I moved with my family to my parents place till I fix the leakage. While at my parents, I received a call from one of my neighbors saying that Israeli dozers are demolishing my residence. I called my lawyer who said that it cannot be since the permit application is being processed. I rushed t the site to see the Israeli police officers and dozers leaving the area; the house was already turned into rubble except for some furniture that was moved out.


In the rubble, I could see the wheelchair of my daughter which we suffered to get; and despite what this chair means to her the Israelis paid no attention to how much this will hurt her emotionally’.



Categories: Demolition