Ravaging 60 trees in Jinsafut village in Qalqiliya

Ravaging 60 trees in Jinsafut village in Qalqiliya
Violation:ravaging 60 30-year-old olives.
Date: January 12, 2012.
Location: Al Karneen area, western Jinsafut.
Perpetrators: KarneShamron colonists.
Victim(s): KhaderEid.
KhaderEid (63) succumbed to tears when he saw his damaged trees; the trees that he spent most of his life growing. Every year, Khader waited patiently to for the olive picking season when he is allowed to access his field for few hours. Since 2000, the Israeli occupation Army announced the area as a closed “military zone” which no Palestinian is allowed in. The colonists view the olive trees as an enemy because of its symbolic value for the Palestinians who view it as a symbol of blessing and struggle.
The Israeli Police involvement:
Khader filed an official complaint to the Israeli Police. However, the Police delayed the investigation and never made any inquiries or interrogations. It is known that the Israeli Police and Army will never stand in the face of colonists no matter how brutal they may get.
Systematic Sabotage:
Many Palestinian farmers suffered from similar aggressions, especially in areas edging Israeli colonies. LRC recorded more than 70 attacks against Palestinian farmers, fields, trees, and other property during the 2011 olive picking season. All of the attacks were carried out under the protection, probably supervision, of the Israeli Occupation Army. The colonists attacks have started to take an unprecedented dimension as it has become more frequent and targets have become more varied. Targeting religious sites has become the trend in 2011 despite the protection that must be offered to these sites by the occupying power.
It is located 15 kilometers south east of the city of Qalqilia. Its total area is 8,659 dunums including the 218 dunums build-up area. Its population is estimated to be 2,500 with an unemployment rate reaching up to 78 %. The village is a victim of Israeli colonies as more than 688 dunums were confiscated for the purpose of establishing and expanding the colonies of NeveOraniem (538 dunums) and KarniShamron (150 dunums).  

Picture 1: An overview of Jinsafut Village – Qalqilyia Governorate

Picture 2: Jinsafut agricultural lands

Picture 3: Gil’ad outpost

Picture 4: KarneShamron colony 


Prepared by
The Land Research Center

Categories: Settlers Attacks