Executing Fruitful Olive Trees in Adh Dhariyyah – Hebron governorate

Executing Fruitful Olive Trees in Adh Dhariyyah – Hebron governorate
Violation: cutting 45 olive trees.
Perpetrators: Sham’a colonists.
Victim(s): Mousa al Samamra.
Location: Ash Shweika, Adh Dhariyyah – Hebron.
Date: Septemper 29, 2011.
Israeli colonists cut 45 olive trees in Mousa al Samamra field in Ash-Shweika, eastern Adh Dhahriyyah.Al Samamra stated to an LRC observer that a group of Shima colonists broke into his field in ‘Wadi al Loz ‘ area and cut his trees down.

Picture A: Mousa checking the damaged trees
He said that that apparently, the colonists used their bare hands to cut the trees as he saw no traces of saws or any other cutting tools. He also said that he found slogans written in Hebrew on one of the retaining walls in the land.
Picture 1: slogans
Forty five 12-year-old olive trees planted over a 6-dunum-field were lost as a result. He said that he called the Israeli Police and filed an official complaint. During the investigation, the police found traces that lead directly to Shima colony.
Picture 2-5: damaged trees
Al Samamra said that one of the tracers told him that they found traces of four people leading directly to Shima colony. Al Samamra said that the olive field produces around 240 Liters of olive oil a year. He assumed that the attack against his farm is part of the overall Israeli policy of strangling the Palestinian farmers and force them to leave their land; a step towards capturing it.
Picture 6-7: Shima
He said that Israeli colonists ravaged 7 olive trees 4 years prior and broke 12 others in 2009. Furthermore, the colonists pump their sewage towards the villagers’ lands and houses.



Categories: Settlers Attacks