Land Seizure Notification in Yatta – Hebron Governorate

Land Seizure Notification in Yatta – Hebron Governorate
Violation: land seizure notification.
Location: lesefer, southern Yatta, Hebron Governorate.
Perpetrators: the Israeli occupation Authorities.
Victim(s): Mohammad abu Qbeita.
Date: April, 2011.
The Israeli Occupation Authorities served Mohammad Abu Qbeita a land-seizure notification claiming that his lands are to be used for security purposes. The notification, numbered T/05/08, issued by the Israeli Occupation Army and signed by ‘Avi Mizrahi’, High commander of the Israeli Army in the West Bank, came with a title ‘ land grab order, extension and correction ‘. The order was handed to Mohammad’s son.
The land (8521 dunums in area and located in parcels 1 and 2) is to be used, according to the order, is to be used to construct a security checkpoint in the area. The order stated that the landlord have the right to demand compensation for their loss through the District Coordination Office in Hebron; it also stated under the term ‘objections’, that the owners have the right to object to the regional legal advisor if they wish to do so.
It should be known that the seizure has been set to start at the date of the order and to last till December 31, 2013. Nevertheless, the owner rejected any compensation or monetary temptations and that he has already assigned an attorney to defend his case and object in Israeli Courts. Mr. Mohammad abu Sneina, Abu Qbeita’s legal advisor, stated that he has already filed an objection but has not received a response yet. Abu Qbeita family consists of 23 members residing to the west of the segregation wall that is surrounding Mezadot Yehuda (Beit Yattir) colony. The family suffers from all kinds of harassments by the Israeli soldiers while crossing the wall. 

Picture 1: Mezadot Yehuda (Beit Yattir)
The landlord described the lands as agricultural; used for to plan cereals and winter vegetables. He also stated that having to go around the colony, because of the withdrawal of the crossing permits they used to have is a an extremely hazardous matter; considering the fact that they have to do it after night falls to avoid detection. He called for all the international bodies to stand up for him and find a solution for his and his family problems that are caused by the Israeli Occupation.
Mezadot Yehuda (Beit Yattir):
The colony is located one km away from the armistice line and 6 km away from As Samu’ town. Before 1979, it used to be an abandoned Jordanian military camp that was evicted after 1967. In 1979, Luziver colony was established by ‘Gush Emunim’ colonial society. The paln was establishing a colony that will hold 100 families and get to 300 families within 3 years. It was called Mezadot Yehuda in 1983.
In February 1987; the corner stone of Beit Yattir colony was put in place by David Levy, the Israeli Minister of Housing back then. The colony was built 500 meters to the north of Mezadot Yehuda as a cooperative farm that held 41 families by 1990; the nuber reached 90 in 1994.
*source: Mohammad Mahfouz jabber. (2004). The Zionist Colonization in Hebron, Amman.




Categories: Military Orders