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Israeli Occupation Forcers Demolished Abu Aisha Building in Beit Hanina

Introduction: The policy adopted by the occupation municipality of Jerusalem against Palestinian building and housing is an old-new policy that insists on demolishing and fining houses under the same pretext,

Israeli Violations

الأراضي الزراعية للفلسطينيين … أصبحت مراعي للمستوطنين

  يشكو أهالي قرية ياسوف و قرية اسكاكا من تواجد عدد كبير من رعاة الأغنام من المستعمرين الذين يقيمون في مستعمرة ‘تفوح’، حيث أن هذه الظاهرة بدأت منذ حوالي 5

Settlers Attacks

Palestinian Agricultural Lands Became Pastures for Colonists

The residents of the villages of Yasouf and Iskaka are suffering from an increased presence of Israeli colonist shepherds from the nearby colony of Tapuh on their lands. This phenomenon