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Blackmailers of Peace !!!

Over decades of Israeli occupation to the Palestinian territories, the Israeli settlers were the ones who got benefited for years from the 'settlement program' adopted by the consecutive Governments of


House Demolition in East Jerusalem during the month of August

Israeli occupation forces is feverishly continuing to enlarge settelments in Jerusalem such as Neve Leitob, Ras Al Amoud, Gilo, Givat Ze'ev among others. In the meantime, the different apparatuses of

Israeli Violations

Land Confiscation, Tree Burning and Uprooting Campaigns against the Village of Sarta !!!

  Location and Population:- The village of Sarta is located about 10 kilometers south of the city of Salfeet and 4 kilometers to the east of the Green Line. Its


Constructing the Segregation Wall are in Deir Samit village – Hebron

  The Israeli bulldozers and big hammers are working day and night in the construction of the Segregation Wall to the west of the village of Deir Samit in Hebron

Separation Plans

Captives of the Israeli Segregation Wall……Western Rural Villages of Bethlehem District

Following the 1967 war, Israel initiated its settlement program in the occupied Palestinian territories in spite of the fact that such program constituted a major violation to the international law,


الجدار الفاصل في محافظة بيت لحم

  مقدمة: بيت لحم , مدينة فلسطينية عريقة ذات أهمية تاريخية و دينية لكافة الأديان السماوية, تعيش حالة من التفكك و الحصار نتيجة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الذي عمل على عزل المحافظة


Israeli campaign of house demolition, closure and seizure in East Jerusalem during the first seven months of 2004

    The Israeli occupation authorities continue to demolish Palestinian houses and premises in Jerusalem city and surrounding area as a constant policy of dismissal and evacuation of the city

Bypass Roads

Israeli ” Prayers” Road” built on ruins of ancient Palestinian houses in the old city of Hebron

    Since the beginning of the seventies of the last century, Israeli occupation authorities along with right wing colonial groups have been working hard to formulize a new map


Israeli settlements Pollute agricultural lands and underground water in the Village of ‘Izbat Salman – Qalqiliya

    Location and Population:- The village of 'Izbat Salman is located 7 kilometers to the south of the city of Qalqiliya. Its population, according to the 2002 estimates, is

Monthly Report

Apartheid Resurrected !!! Israel seeks Palestinian land without Palestinians!

Friday, August 27, 2004, the Israeli Army handed out Palestinian residents living at the northern entrance of Bethlehem – Rachel Tomb Area- a second amendment to previously issued military order holding

Military Orders

Ecocide in Tequ’a Town

The adopted Israeli policy in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is maybe categorized as a ''need to bases'' or a ''selective policy'' to justify its vile practices against the Palestinian population,