Devastations of Bethlehem district
“An act of Israeli Vandalism “

Devastations of Bethlehem district <br> “An act of Israeli Vandalism “



Another explicit and ugly act of human rights violation was the attempt to demolish Al Ordiani home over its inhabitants. It was a Saturday night, with Israeli bullets and bombardments shattering the fog of silence in the area. While Dia' Hasan Al Ordiani, a four-year-old kid was in his bed sleeping; an Israeli army bulldozer approached his house striking the wall against which he was sleeping in an attempt to destroy his family’s home. In an interview with Dia’, he narrated the incident with a sense of victory stating that he was happy to have survived the colossal part of the wall that fell nearby his bed. It seems that in the mind of the occupier the agony of Palestinian people shouldn’t in any way take precedence over the Israeli security pretext. See Photo 1, Phoot 2 ., 



It is worth knowing that the Israeli authorities are after Dia’s father, who was recently released from Israeli jails.

Israeli vandalism against civilian homes and public properties in Bethlehem district during the last incursion show an unprecedented level of destruction. Documented reports from different local and international organizations, appended with photos and field workers’ surveys show that the Israeli occupation forces intended to incur many losses upon the Palestinians.


Prepared by:  
The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem

Categories: Demolition