Expansion of Nili settlement on Ramallah lands

Expansion of Nili settlement on Ramallah lands


Violation: The Israeli colony of Nili is undergoing expansion
Location: Deir Qaddis village- Ramallah governorate
Date: 18/06/2014


In a further escalation to create facts on the ground and reinforce colonization, colonists of Nili embarked on a large-scale expansion work in their colony. That included installment of prefabricated houses within the boundaries of the colony; construction is focused on the western part of the colony that is adjacent to bypass road no. 446 in particular. According to Land Research Center (LRC) field research, the number of houses amounts up to 26.

Picture 1: The expansion of Nili

The policy of drowning the West Bank with colonies:

The construction and expansion projects are going viral among colonies. Colonists of every colony try their best to seize as much land as possible. According to latest statistics, the number of colonial units added to the colonies in the West Bank and Jerusalem has quadrupled since 2000 (the Second Intifada). Under the growing mentality of extremism, the Israeli occupation has not spared any hill or a mountain without building or expanding a colony or random outposts over it.

In a yet more dangerous trend, colonists now seize agricultural lands outside the boundaries of their colonies and do plant them by themselves, thus depriving Palestinians from their most basic of rights including the right to land. Around 3% of Palestinian land is fenced for being within the circumference of Israeli colonies while 43% of the West Bank land is under the supervision of the regional councils of the settlements.

According to statistics conducted by LRC field researchers, until the end of 2013,  there have been 461 colonies, including 257 outposts, on 187, 360 dunums of Palestinian lands and are inhabited by 518,722 colonists.[1] 

[1] Source: The Statistical Annual Report- 2013 (published by Monitoring Israeli Violations Team- LRC (Israeli Violations against Palestinian Rights to Land and Housing)



Prepared by
The Land Research Center



Categories: Settlement Expansion