Demolition of Residence in Um al Kheir

Demolition of Residence in Um al Kheir




Violation: house demolition.

Date: January 14, 2013.

Location: Um al Kheir, near Yatta – Hebron.

Perpetrators: the Israeli Occupation Authorities.

Victims: Khalil al Hathaleen.




On January 14, 2013, the Israeli Occupation Authorities demolished the residence of Khaleel al Hathaleen located in Um al Kheir village near Yatta. Eyewitnesses said that Israeli troops accompanied by workers, Israeli Occupation Civil Administration staff, and a dozer broke into the village. The workers cleared the contents of the house before the dozer leveled it to the ground.


The targeted residence was 30 m2 in area; it was a house built of brick walls and sackcloth for the ceiling. The house was inhabited by a 5-member-family that included three children.  




Picture 1-3: the house turned into rubble


Shikha al Hathaleen said that they received a military order previously but they failed to follow up the case due to the high cost of lawyers and Court procedures. She said that the ICRC provided them with a tent to use as a shelter but she complained that the tent is too cold to form an adequate residence. In the end, she pointed that the Israeli measures tend to drive them away from their lands in order to facilitate expansions in the nearby Maon colony.




Categories: Demolition