Price-tag Jewish gangs  write inciting slogans and puncture car tires in the town of Al-Bireh city, Ramallah governorate

Price-tag Jewish gangs  write inciting slogans and puncture car tires in the town of Al-Bireh city, Ramallah governorate


  • Violation: Inciting slogans written and car tires punctured  in Al Bireh city.
  • Location: Al-Qaratis neighborhood – Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate.
  • Violation date: March 23, 2022 AD.
  • Perpetrators: Price-tag  Jewish gangs .
  • Affected party: a number of citizens.

The violation details:

On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, a Jewish price tag group in the West Bank raided the “Al-Qaratis” neighborhood, north of the town of Al-Bireh, adjacent to the “Beit El” military checkpoint, and damaged a large number of car tires, in addition to writing slogans in Hebrew calling for the killing of Arabs and drawing a Star of David on the walls of some houses.

This attack come as a link in a series of continuous attacks by these settler gangs in the West Bank, which target Palestinians and their property. These gangs exploit the night hours to break into Palestinian villages and neighborhoods to cause chaos and sabotage.


It is noteworthy that the “Al-Qaratis” neighborhood is subjected to continuous attacks by the colonists, and this causes insecurity for the Palestinians in that neighborhood and increase worries among them  that the attackers may expand their attacks to include burning homes or attacking the safe residents at night in a brutal manner under the protection of the Israeli occupation army .

It is noteworthy that the price-tag gangs in the occupied West Bank  has been active since many years  against Palestinian residential communities, and despite the complaints submitted by the Palestinians, the occupation did not take any deterrent steps to stop their activities, but rather the occupation army provides them with protection and hides their attacks.


Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Settlers Attacks