Advertisement about depositing a master plan for Hallamish

Advertisement about depositing a master plan for Hallamish


Violation: Deposit of a detailed master plan in regard to the Israeli colony of Hallamish

Location: Deir Nitham, Ramallah governorate

Date: 23/06/2014

Perpetrators: The so-called Supreme Council of Planning/ Settlement Sub-Committee

Victims: People of Deir Nitham 


On June 23, 2014, al- Quds Newspaper, on page 34, featured an announcement by the so-called Supreme Council of Planning/ Settlement Sub-Committee of the Israeli Civil Administration about the deposit of a detailed master plan no. (2/2/203) regarding Hallamish ; the plan is a modified version of the plans number (2/2/203) and (1/203).

According to the new plan, the Settlement Sub-Committee intends to change the landmarks of vast areas of Deir Nitham land, particularly within natural block no.3. The land is also within the security zone of the colony and is confiscated by the Israeli occupation according to the military orders issued in 2001 and 2002.

Picture 1: The attached advertisement

Modification of land usage:

It should be marked that according to the master plan, the Israeli occupation intends to do the following:

  1. Using agricultural land for residential purposes.
  2. Allocating parcels of the confiscated land for public areas and gardens. 
  3. Expanding the structural plan of the colony so that more area is designated for construction.
  4. Allowing expansion in construction; three stories in every building instead of two.    

Hallamish in lines:

Built in 1977, the colony of Hallamish was founded on the lands of an-Nabi Saleh and Deir Nitham villages, north of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

The colony devoured 340 dunums of Palestinian property. It has a primary school, public library, dental clinic, medical clinic, swimming pool, Talmudic school, and events hall. The colony offers preparation courses to Jewish youth before recruitment. 

The colony has a population of 1300 colonists, until 2008. (Source: Palestinian Martyrs Organization). 



Prepared by
The Land Research Center

Categories: Settlement Expansion